Delta-p has implemented a QA system in compliance with the requirements for certification in accordance to EN-ISO-9001:2008. As an integrated part of this, we have a system for HSE in accordance to the statutory requirements.

Quality Assurance

To fully maintain a structured organisation and ensure satisfactory quality of our work and product, DELTA-P has a certified Quality Management System according to EN-ISO 9001:2015. The main principle in the QA system is that DELTA-P shall ensure a high degree of customer satisfaction through:

  • Ensure sufficient resources to execute the orders at a high level.
  • Have motivated staff that enjoys working with the company.
  • Freedom and responsibility for the staff.
  • Continuously improve our processes, products or services in cooperation with our suppliers and customers.
  • To satisfy the society’s demands, herein meaning following applicable laws, standards, regulations etc.
  • Focus and awareness on Quality management and planning.

The quality policy is a core, integrated part of our daily work, and to achieve our goals we are un-conditionally willing to invest any necessary resources required. We shall make our intentions visible and known for our business partners, and take necessary actions accordingly.

HSE Philosophy

Our philosophy and thinking of the HSE work is based upon the fact that nearly every incident (accidents and near accidents) is caused by human errors. We therefore focus on the human factor as the most important risk factor that anything goes wrong, and strive to improve awareness of HSE and lay the foundation for making HSE work possible.

Our attitude and the way we act is crucial to the result. In the same way we follow our HSE philosophy in our daily practical tasks, we implement these principles and thinking during task planning and engineering:

”Think first –then act”


Any deviations are identified and reported internally for handling by relevant personnel, whereas management are always informed and involved. Similarly important is the experience transfer within the company, where all deviations and observations are accessible for all our employees at any time.


Delta-p have a high focus on risk at any aspect within the organisation, including financial, HSE, sales and project. As part of our obligations with respect to the ISO certification, our QA system is built up in order to structure any risk making the total risk handling manageable.


Delta-p’s is committed to applying high ethical standards to create a trust-based relationship with our customers and suppliers. In all our business activities we comply with applicable laws, both national and international, and the highest standards of business practice with respect to anti-corruption and human rights. Our code of conduct and anti-corruption policy ensures these standards are maintained.